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Building Blocks

"So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness." Colossians 2:6-7

What is the first thing you think about when you wake up in the morning? Where does your mind wander in the quiet moments of the day or as you navigate through the hustle of your daily routine? Often, our thoughts are trapped by the day's worries and distractions rather than centered on Jesus. The reality is, it’s not natural for us to default to spiritual disciplines or to consistently focus on Christ. Yet, the stories and teachings of Jesus encourage us to choose a deeper connection each day. In the Bible text above, Paul highlights "oikodome," a vibrant Greek term for building up or edifying ourselves in faith—a dynamic, ongoing process that unfolds throughout our lives.

The Foundation of Love

Our journey in faith starts with a foundation of love—the cornerstone of our relationship with Christ and with each other. More than just an emotion, love is a conscious decision, a daily commitment to demonstrate Jesus' grace and compassion. At LifePoint, actively choosing love is the practical expression of our faith, fostering a nurturing and resilient community that supports growth and mutual encouragement.

Continuous Construction

Building faith resembles constructing a building—it demands precision, patience, and persistent effort. Each prayer, each moment spent in Scripture, and every act of kindness adds a layer to our spiritual structure. This is not a one-time event but a lifelong process that must be intentionally maintained and developed over time. The concept of "oikodome" speaks to this dynamic process of being built up, demanding engagement from us both as individuals and as a community.


Practical Steps for Building Faith

Engage Deeply with Scripture

Action: Start each day with a scripture passage that emphasizes love and compassion. Spend a few quiet minutes reflecting on how you can apply these principles throughout your day. Choose different passages each week to broaden your understanding and keep your engagement fresh.

Cultivate Personal Connections

Action: Make a personal commitment to connect with someone who shares your faith each week. This could be through a phone call where you share Bible story/text or spiritual insight, or meeting up for coffee to talk about life and faith. The goal is to build relationships that enrich your spiritual life and provides accountability.

Incorporate Acts of Kindness

Action: Identify opportunities each day to perform acts of kindness or service. These might include helping a neighbor, volunteering at a community center, or simply offering a word of encouragement to someone in need. Aim to make service a natural part of your daily routine, rather than an occasional activity.


Building Each Other Up

At LifePoint, building up our faith goes beyond personal growth; it's about strengthening our collective spiritual journey. Our commitment to God not only influences our interactions but also solidifies the resilience and growth of our community in Christ.


Making the daily decision to focus on Christ and engage in these spiritual disciplines is not always easy, but it is essential. By embracing these practices, we participate in "oikodome," developing a faith that is grounded and well equipped to face life's challenges and flourish in God’s grace.


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